Tai Chi Festival Organizers
It takes a Team
Bruce La Carrubba has always had lots of help with the Festivals, and those people stepped up while
he is dealing with his health issues in Florida. The organizing committee and their role email address (in alphabetical order):
These are not clickable email addresses; you must type them into the To: line of your email.)
- Maureen Ferry (gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑krapihciat@nosiaiLeuneV)
- George Hoffman (gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑krapihciat@snoitaulavE)
- Siobhan Hutchinson (gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑krapihciat@snoitartsigeR)
- Bob Klein (gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑krapihciat@ediuGmargorP)
- Elazar Nudell (gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑krapihciat@snoitartsigeR)
- Joseph Pandolfo
- Debbie Piacenza (gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑krapihciat@dooF)
- Charlie Pratt (gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑krapihciat@eludehcSpohskroW)
- Sean Prell (gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑krapihciat@seiretaE)
- CJ Rhoads (gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑krapihciat@lavitseF)
- Lynn Teale (gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑-krapihciat@someD and gro.awhgnustuojretsam‑krapihciat@strihs-T)
Organized initially by CJ Rhoads after being asked to do so by Bruce La Carrubba and Liz Jou, the organizing group met every week or so to plan out the Festival for your enjoyment. There will be evaluation forms, so please use them to share your experiences, both good and bad, so that each year we can make the Festival better than the year before.