Master Jou Tsung Hwa Tai Chi Festival and Birthday Celebration and Tai chi Festival 2023
The 2023 Master Jou Birthday Celebration and Tai Chi Festival was a fantastic success! While there were quite a few issues (expected whenever you do a festival in a new place
for the first time) the positive comments were overwhelming! Read the whole Festival Report here.
So, of course,in the future we will be expanding the event. For the present time, however, we are putting plans on the back burner so that Bruce La Carrubba can focus on health and recovery. We will resume planning when Bruce is able to return to New Jersey.
The backstory of 2023 event
This fabulous Tai Chi festival has been going on for over 20 years (and has a rich history prior to that - check out the History Page for more info).
But Bruce La Carrubba, our fabulous founder, the main mover and shaker, the one who did all the heaviest lifting, was not going to be able to make it back to New Jersey, and he was in no shape to spruce up his property in Wantage.

Those of us who have been helping Bruce for years contacted him with our concerns. We didn't want to do another on-line event. We wanted to meet again, in-person. Bruce agreed, and the organizing committee was born.
Of course, we didn't want to leave out all those people who had the benefit of attending on-line for these past couple of years. So we decided to do a hybrid festival. One of the four tracks of the in-person festival was streamed on-line, allowing everyone the opportunity for those workshops. Additionally this allowed us to invite workshop leaders from elsewhere (like Canada!) to stream in for the workshop as well. The workshops were hybrid; there were people in-person in the room at the same time that it was being streamed via Zoom into the homes of those who are attending on-line.